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Kurdish Leaders Discuss Upcoming Elections with French Ambassador

On Wednesday, Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) Prime Minister Masrour Barzani met with France’s Ambassador to Iraq Patrick Durel and discussed the latest preparations for the upcoming parliamentary elections in the Kurdistan Region.

France’s Consul General in Erbil Yann Braem also participated in the meeting.

According to a readout from the Prime Minister’s office, they both emphasized the importance of conducting free and fair elections with the presence of international observers.

Moreover, they “discussed the need to resume the halted oil exports from the Kurdistan Region, which has inflicted significant damage on federal revenues.”

On March 25, 2023, independent crude exports from the Kurdistan Region through Turkey were halted after an international arbitration ruled in favor of Baghdad against Ankara, blocking 450,000 barrels per day of crude oil exports.

Ambassador Durel said in a post on X that during his meeting with Prime Minister Barzani they had the opportunity to discuss the situation in the Kurdistan Region prior to the legislative elections on October 20, as well as the “bilateral relationship, particularly in the economic field.”

Read More: Economic Forum Strengthens Ties Between Kurdistan and France

On September 23, the France-Kurdistan Economic Forum was held for the second time in Paris, with the goal of strengthening economic relations between France and the Kurdistan Region.

At the event, the Galiawa Group and French company CLEIA signed a contract and memorandum of understanding to establish an eco-friendly brick manufacturing facility in Erbil.

Ambassador Durel also met with Kurdistan Democratic Party President Masoud Barzani to discuss the latest political developments in the region and the economic agreements established during the last forum in Paris.

The Barzani Headquarters said the meeting was part of the preparations for the upcoming parliamentary elections in Kurdistan in October.

“Thank you President Masoud Barzani for this warm welcome. An opportunity to uphold the strength and quality of French-Iraqi Kurdistan relations, past and future,” Ambassador Durel posted on X.