Economic Forum Strengthens Ties Between Kurdistan and France

The France-Kurdistan Economic Forum was held for the second time in Paris on Monday, with the goal to stimulate economic and commercial cooperation between France and the Kurdist

Economic Forum Strengthens Ties Between Kurdistan and France
September 24, 2024

The France-Kurdistan Economic Forum was held for the second time in Paris on Monday, with the goal to stimulate economic and commercial cooperation between France and the Kurdistan Region. The first forum was held in 2011.

The forum was officially opened by MEDEF International CEO Philippe Gautier and the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) Department of Foreign Relations Head Safeen Dizayee.

“The engagements between business leaders in Paris and representatives from Kurdistan were highly productive,” Dizayee posted on X.

During the conference, Kurdish and French businesses explored investment opportunities in agriculture and infrastructure, expanding valuable networks and laying the groundwork for future partnerships.

Read More: KRG Delegation Expresses Gratitude for France’s Support

During the conference, Dizayee outlined the KRG’s strategic agenda to diversify the Kurdistan Region’s economy and attract direct foreign investments with an open-door policy, highlighting the long-standing ties between France and the Kurdistan Region.

Moreover, Gautier underlined that this “forum today paves the way for deeper connections between France and Kurdistan.”

Read More: France Supports Kurdistan Region Elections: French Consul General

“For us it’s extremely important that there should be direct contact, giving us a chance to get to know each other and ensuring that the opportunities that are present in Kurdistan can be seized by French companies,” France’s Consul General in Erbil Yann Braem earlier told Invest Kurdistan, which is managed by the foreign direct investment unit of the KRG Board of Investment.

France and the Kurdistan Region have strong ties. In 2008, France was among the first to open a diplomatic mission in Erbil. Since 2014, it has supported the peshmerga in the fight against ISIS and played a key role in the creation of the 1991 no-fly zone over Kurdistan.

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