Kurdish Man Thwarts Knife Attack in Finland

In a remarkable act of bravery, Paiwand Zahid, a young Kurdish man, thwarted a knife-wielding attacker in Turku, Finland, in August 2023, earning him widespread acclaim and a per

Kurdish Man Thwarts Knife Attack in Finland
August 18, 2024

In a remarkable act of bravery, Paiwand Zahid, a young Kurdish man, thwarted a knife-wielding attacker in Turku, Finland, in August 2023, earning him widespread acclaim and a personal thank you from former Finnish President Sauli Niinisto. This heroic deed, which saved lives and prevented further harm, resonated across the country and Europe.

Born in 1995 in the village of Mawilian in the city of Rawandiz in the Kurdistan Region, Zahid moved to Finland with his family in 2000. Growing up in a new country, he embraced his new home, excelling in both academics and sports. After completing secondary school, he pursued medical studies and developed a passion for Brazilian jiujitsu, which he has practiced for over a decade.

The evening of the incident in Turku started like any other. Zahid was returning from the library when he noticed people running towards a cafe and saw a man bleeding. Concerned, he inquired about the situation and was told that a man was attacking people with a knife. 

Driven by an innate sense of duty and courage, Zahid moved toward the chaos. He saw the attacker assaulting an elderly man and immediately intervened. Without hesitation, Zahid confronted the attacker, striking him in the face and subduing him until the police arrived.

“I watched Spider-Man and Batman”

His brave actions did not go unnoticed. Finnish and European media quickly hailed him as a hero, and he was invited to the Finnish presidential palace, where then-President Niinisto personally thanked him for his courageous actions. The president’s acknowledgment was not just for Zahid, but also a tribute to the Kurdish community in Finland.

During an interview with the Finnish Broadcasting Company, Zahid reflected on his actions with humility. When asked about his bravery, he smiled and said, “as a child, I watched Spider-Man and Batman.” More earnestly, he revealed that he acted for the sake of his father’s memory, believing that his father would have been proud of him.

In addition to his studies and work as a medical assistant in a hospital, Zahid serves as a security guard onboard the ships of Finnish shipping company Viking Line. His heroic actions in Turku led Viking Line to offer him this position, recognizing his capability to ensure the safety and security of others. He is dedicated to roles that allow him to help others, particularly in emergency situations.

Zahid’s story is a testament to the power of individual courage and the impact that one person can have on their community. His bravery continues to inspire those around him, and his ongoing contributions reflect his commitment to making the world a safer place. As he looks to the future, Zahid remains focused on helping others and upholding the values of bravery and compassion that define his legacy.

Reband Kurd is a professional photographer and journalist. He is recognized as a member of the Union of Journalists in Finland.

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