KRG Prime Minister Reaffirms Commitment to Yezidis

On July 2, 2024, Masrour Barzani, the Prime Minister of the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG), made a significant announcement during a ceremony in Erbil. The event marked the

KRG Prime Minister Reaffirms Commitment to Yezidis
August 18, 2024

On July 2, 2024, Masrour Barzani, the Prime Minister of the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG), made a significant announcement during a ceremony in Erbil. The event marked the launch of a financial support program that will provide monthly allowances to 3,000 women and girls who survived the atrocities committed by the so-called Islamic State (ISIS). 

In his speech, Prime Minister Barzani highlighted the enduring struggles faced by the Yezidi community, even a decade after the horrific massacre perpetrated by ISIS. He pointed out that the situation in Sinjar District, where the population is predominantly Yezidi, remains dire, primarily due to the ongoing presence of militias and illegal armed groups. These groups have obstructed the return of displaced Yezidis to their homes, impeding reconstruction efforts and prolonging the community’s suffering. 

Prime Minister Barzani reiterated his unwavering support for the legitimate demands of the Yezidi people, calling for an immediate end to the state of emergency in Sinjar and emphasizing the necessity of fully implementing the Sinjar Agreement. “The militias and illegal forces in the region must be removed so that we can rebuild the region and restore power to the indigenous people of Sinjar, with support from the Iraqi federal government and the international community,” he stated. 

Prime Minister Barzani also mentioned efforts to bring ISIS terrorists to justice, noting that, with international backing, there have been initiatives to establish a special tribunal for prosecuting ISIS members for their crimes against humanity. However, he expressed concern that these efforts have not received adequate support from the Iraqi federal government, hindering the quest for justice. 

Call for international support 

The Yezidi community has endured unimaginable suffering since ISIS launched a genocidal campaign against them in August 2014. Thousands of Yezidis were killed, and many women and girls were subjected to sexual slavery and other forms of brutal violence. The destruction of homes and infrastructure in Sinjar has left the community in a state of limbo, with many still living in refugee camps across the Kurdistan Region and beyond.

The Sinjar Agreement, signed in October 2020 between the Iraqi federal government and the KRG, aimed to restore stability to the region. It included provisions for the withdrawal of armed groups, the establishment of local governance, and the initiation of reconstruction projects. However, the agreement’s implementation has faced numerous obstacles, primarily due to the persistent presence of militias and the lack of concerted efforts from the federal government. 

Prime Minister Barzani’s call for international support is a crucial step towards addressing the ongoing crisis in Sinjar. The involvement of global actors is essential for the effective implementation of the Sinjar Agreement and for ensuring the safe return of displaced Yezidis. International assistance can also play a vital role in the reconstruction of Sinjar, providing the necessary resources and expertise to rebuild the region’s infrastructure and restore essential services. 

Moreover, the establishment of a special tribunal to prosecute ISIS terrorists is imperative for delivering justice to the Yezidi community. It is a necessary step to acknowledge their suffering, hold perpetrators accountable, and prevent future atrocities. The international community’s support in this endeavor can pressure the federal government to take more decisive action and ensure that justice is served.

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