Panel Held in Moscow on General Barzani’s Exodus

On Tuesday, June 18, 2024, the Institute of Oriental Studies (IOS) of the Russian Academy in Moscow, Russia, hosted a panel discussion to commemorate the 77th anniversary of the

Panel Held in Moscow on General Barzani’s Exodus

On Tuesday, June 18, 2024, the Institute of Oriental Studies (IOS) of the Russian Academy in Moscow, Russia, hosted a panel discussion to commemorate the 77th anniversary of the historic crossing of the Aras River by General Mustafa Barzani and his companions.

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On May 18, 1947, General Barzani, a prominent Kurdish leader, and his peshmerga fighters began the historic “Epic of Aras,” a grueling 53-day trek from the Republic of Mahabad in Eastern Kurdistan (northwestern Iran) across the harsh terrain of Iraq, Iran, and Turkey to seek asylum in the Soviet Union.

Known as “the 500,” their journey symbolized a pivotal chapter in the Kurdish struggle for independence.

During the discussions, Russian and Kurdish experts explored the historical journey of General Barzani and his companions to the Soviet Union.

Director of the Department of Kurdish Studies at the IOS Kirill Vertyaev reflected on the memoirs of former KGB lieutenant-general Pavel Sudoplatov, who had multiple encounters with General Barzani.

“The organization of this panel signifies our recognition of General Barzani’s struggle,” remarked Russian researcher and Kurdologist Vadim Makerenka.

He elaborated that General Barzani’s arrival in the Soviet Union marked the beginning of a significant historical relationship between the Kurds and the Soviet Union.


During the 1958 14 July Revolution, the Soviet Union supported the Kurdish revolution and Abdul-Karim Qassim. General Barzani emerged as a key leader in this scenario. Until 1975, the Soviet Union continued to assist the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) and General Barzani in navigating political and diplomatic challenges in Iraq and the Middle East.

The panel also detailed General Barzani’s pivotal role in internationalizing the Kurdish question and fostering relations between Russia and the Kurdish people.

President of the Barzani Center in Russia Khoshaw Mullah Ibrahim noted that on June 17, 1947, General Barzani and his comrades reached Soviet territory by crossing the Aras River. He emphasized ongoing efforts to declare this day as a holiday commemorating Kurdish-Russian friendship.

Ibrahim concluded that General Barzani became a beacon of hope for Kurds, including those in the Soviet Union. Notably, during the tenure of Iran’s former Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadegh, there were plans for General Barzani and his companions to return to Iran to support the Kurds, a prospect that kept their enemies on the defensive.

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