Italian-Kurdish Friendship Celebrated On Italy’s Republic Day

Italy’s Consulate General in Erbil on June 3 held a celebration of Italy’s Republic Day in which Italy’s Ambassador to Iraq Maurizio Greganti and Italy’s Consul General in Erbil

Italian-Kurdish Friendship Celebrated On Italy’s Republic Day

Italy’s Consulate General in Erbil on June 3 held a celebration of Italy’s Republic Day in which Italy’s Ambassador to Iraq Maurizio Greganti and Italy’s Consul General in Erbil Michele Camerota underlined the close friendship between Italy and the Kurdistan Region.

“I cannot remember how many times I have been here in Kurdistan in the last two and a half years. With Consul Camerota, we visited many fantastic places in Kurdistan and admired its natural beauty and its immense historical and cultural heritage,” Ambassador Greganti said in his speech.

“Several times, we went to Duhok and Sulaymaniyah, as well as Barzan, Amedi, Akre, Halabja, Alqosh, Shanidar Cave, and many other sites. Each time I received a very warm welcome with a sense of hospitality that has few equals in the world.”

He also said he was proud to see firsthand the work carried out by Italy’s Consulate General in Erbil. “The elevation to Consulate General is the right recognition for this hard work and for the strong demand to increase the bilateral cooperation that comes from both the authorities and the population of Kurdistan.”

Read More: First Italian Language Course Launched in Kurdistan

Ambassador Greganti expressed his appreciation for the cultural activities promoted by the Consulate in recent years, such as Italian Cuisine in the World, Italian Design Day, the recent launch of Italian language courses, film screenings, and the Christmas concert with the Italian Opera.

“Archaeology represents our main cultural asset. Nowadays, there are over 20 Italian missions in Iraq, 11 of which are in Kurdistan. Italian archaeologists have achieved excellent scientific results, working in close cooperation with the Kurdistan Region’s Directorates of Antiquities, enabling the transfer of skills and knowledge to local teams and contributing to the protection of this unique heritage,” he added.

Read More: Italian Archaeological Exhibition Opens in Erbil

Moreover, he praised a recent exhibition organized by the Consulate to pay tribute to this heritage. Inaugurated in Erbil last month, the exhibition is going to open soon in Sulaymaniyah and later in Duhok.

Read More: Kurdish Students Attend Italian Cuisine Master Classes

Ambassador Greganti also mentioned that the first grammar and vocabulary of the Kurdish language was written by Italian priest Maurizio Garzoni, who lived in Amide for about twenty years in the second half of the 18th century. “It was published in Rome in 1787 and for that Garzoni gained the title of father of the Kurdish language.”

Additionally, he pointed out that more than 80 scholarships have been made available for Italian language courses and opportunities for exchanges between Italian and Kurdish universities. “We wish to support young people, offering them the opportunity to exchange other’s stories and values.”

Moreover, he said that Italian brands were becoming increasingly available in the local market, especially in terms of clothes, design, cosmetics, and food.

“On our side, we are trying to support this trend. Last month a milestone agreement was signed in Rome by the Italian Export Credit Agency and the Trade Bank of Iraq, aiming to support investment for industrial production lines in Iraq and the Kurdistan Region.”

He emphasized that the growing economic partnership cannot be decoupled from Italy’s commitment to promoting sustainable development by ensuring a positive and enduring impact on relevant economic sectors, from tourism to education, the green transition, and water management.

“A great number of projects have been implemented over the years by the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation and many more will come, also building on the excellent work of several Italian nongovernmental organizations that have been working in Kurdistan since the 1980s.”

Additionally, he praised the efforts of Iraqi and Kurdish authorities to support a positive dialogue aimed at increasing mutual understanding and finding the best way to deal with common issues.

“Regional elections are very important in this regard and I am confident that they will happen soon. At the international level, both Baghdad and Erbil are committed to improving relations with their neighbors, striving to preserve peace and stability in the region.”

He underlined that “Italy will continue its military and diplomatic engagement in both bilateral and multilateral missions in Iraq. In this regard, I would like to recall that last year we formally joined the Multinational Advisory Group (MNAG), building on our decade-long experience training and supporting your brave peshmerga.”

Consul Camerota announced that this would be his last national day, “but not my farewell. You will see me around for a few months.” He also thanked his Kurdish colleagues for the hospitality and friendly environment. “This makes a big difference for us, and is priceless.”

Consul Camerota also underlined that Italy believes “in the so-called soft power of culture and we feel the culture brings people together to promote mutual understanding.”

He said the Italian military presence is a very important asset in the region. “We work very closely with the peshmerga forces and we formally joined the MNAG this year.”

Apart from Italy, the MNAG includes the Netherlands, the United States, the UK, and Germany, and backs the project to reform the Kurdish peshmerga forces.

Senior Advisor to Prime Minister Masrour Barzani for Foreign Affairs and Climate Change Bayan Sami Abdulrahman in a post on X underlined that Italy is an important partner in Kurdistan, promoting cultural and archeological works while also supporting the Peshmerga reform program.”

Head of the Kurdistan Regional Government Department of Foreign Relations Safeen Dizayee attended the event and wished the people and government of Italy continued peace and prosperity.

He also “highlighted our strong bonds and saluted the men and women in uniform supporting the peshmerga forces.”

Read More: KRG Expresses Gratitude for Italy’s Support of Kurdistan Region

On March 28, Dizayee made an official visit to Italy and met with several top Italian officials, including Italy’s Minister of the Environment and Energy Security Gilberto Pichetto Fratin.

“I expressed gratitude for Italy’s support to the people and Government of KRI,” Dizayee posted on X following his visit.

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