Hanna’s Athletic Triumphs

Born in June 2004 in Oslo, the capital of Norway, Hanna Maroofi is a proud Kurdish girl with roots in Rojhelat in Eastern Kurdistan (northwestern Iran). Her parents’ story is one

Hanna’s Athletic Triumphs
April 06, 2024

Born in June 2004 in Oslo, the capital of Norway, Hanna Maroofi is a proud Kurdish girl with roots in Rojhelat in Eastern Kurdistan (northwestern Iran). Her parents’ story is one of resilience and courage. They fled their homeland due to their Kurdish identity and the difficulties this posed, seeking safety and freedom in the welcoming arms of Norway.

Growing up, Hanna experienced what one might call a “normal” life, filled with laughter and friendships. Yet she was anything but normal; in fact, she had an uncanny knack for being in constant motion. It seemed like she was always on the go, whether it was chasing after a soccer ball, racing around the playground, or simply exploring the world around her.

It’s no surprise that her favorite subject in school was physical education. One trait that set her apart was her fierce competitive spirit. She had the drive to be the best in whatever she did, whether it was a friendly game on the playground or a schoolyard race against older kids. Gender and age were inconsequential to her; what truly mattered was the thrill of competition and the desire to prove herself. One thing that really caught her interest was gymnastics. She was fascinated by how gymnasts moved with grace and strength at the same time. She wanted to be just like them, doing flips, turns, and all their cool moves.

Hanna’s gymnastics adventure

At the age of seven, she fell head-over-heels in love with gymnastics. Watching gymnasts on TV, she was captivated beyond measure. Her mother discovered a local gymnastics club, and she had the chance to attend a trial session. She was bursting with excitement and could not wait to get started. Walking into the gym, and seeing the mats, bars, and beams seemed to open up a whole new world of possibilities. As the months went by, her dedication and hard work began to show. It was around the age of nine that something truly amazing happened. The coaches recognized her potential, as well as the motivation and strength that she poured into every routine. They saw in her not just a young gymnast, but someone who could really shine in the sport. That is when everything changed. She was moved up to the competition group, a step that felt like a huge leap toward realizing her dreams. Being a part of the competitive team brought new challenges and opportunities.

Being an athlete meant Hanna had to make sacrifices. She spent a lot of time practicing, sometimes missing out on hanging out with friends or doing other things she enjoyed. Not every competition ended in victory, and learning to handle disappointment was important. The good memories and proud moments made it worth it. In her local area, she consistently earned a spot on the podium. Either first, second or third place. Hanna even had the opportunity to travel across Norway, taking part in numerous larger competitions within the country.

As she got older, she did not feel as excited about gymnastics anymore. It is a tough sport, and her love for it started to fade. The sport felt less like a source of excitement and more like a duty. She kept going, but that initial excitement was gone. She wanted to try something new. Hanna wanted to explore and discover her full potential and felt that gymnastics might not be the right fit for that.

Deciding to quit gymnastics was one of the toughest choices she ever made. It had become a part of who she was, her identity. Hanna often wondered who she would be without it. After a lot of thinking, she made the decision to end her gymnastics journey in the summer of 2020 at the age of 16. Instead, she chose to transition into a role as a gymnastics coach. Hanna wanted to share the knowledge she had gained and everything she had learned from her own journey. People often told her how strong she was, and she really enjoyed strength training. She knew that she wanted to find a sport that aligned with that passion.

A new chapter

She discovered a CrossFit gym nearby, and from the very first trial session, she was hooked. Just like seven-year-old Hanna stepping into gymnastics for the first time, Hanna felt that same rush of excitement and passion. CrossFit captured her heart, and she has not lost interest for a single day since that moment. The muscle memory, body awareness, and determination she cultivated in gymnastics seamlessly translated into her CrossFit training. What might have taken other years to learn, she could pick up in a matter of weeks. Hanna realized that this was something she wanted to fully commit to, and eventually she formed a partnership with a coach who was eager to work with her. He recognized her potential and saw an opportunity to collaborate. Even though she had only done CrossFit for a little while, she managed to become one of the best in Norway in her age division. A big part of this success was thanks to her gymnastics background.

Weightlifting in CrossFit turned out to be something she excelled at quickly. It was kind of surprising how fast Hanna got good at it. Getting feedback and making little tweaks to get better – that is something she learned from her gymnastics days. Hanna knows there is always room to improve; things are never perfect. She always strives to get better, and loves picking things apart to improve. She stumbled upon a weightlifting course and wanted to up her game, so she decided to give it a shot. The coach’s eyes widened as she lifted. He asked, “Who are you, and where have you been hiding? Why haven't I seen you before?” Hanna surprised a lot of people, but mostly herself. She had not realized the potential she had or how good she was at something she had been doing for only a few years.

Her intention was just to enhance her lifting for CrossFit, but things took an unexpected turn. The coach at the course saw something in her. He convinced her to join the weightlifting club and even pushed her to enter a competition just three weeks later. It was a whirlwind, going from wanting to improve her lifting technique to stepping onto the competition platform in such a short time. With her willingness to take on challenges, she thought, “Why not?”

Stepping onto the platform

And there she stood, ready to compete against athletes from across the entire region. Surrounded by unfamiliar faces, she realized that the truest competition was within herself. She as stressed as everyone else before her turn – or maybe even a bit more, because it was all so unfamiliar. But as she grabbed that barbell and started to lift, there was this surprising sense of calm. The weight was heavy, but deep inside, she felt strong and determined. In that very moment, her confidence in herself soared higher than ever before. It was not just about lifting; it was about conquering her own doubts. And guess what? This performance did not just secure a win; it led her to a clear first-place victory. Since then, she has made significant progress in every competition she has taken part in, even being chosen to represent Norway at the Junior European Weightlifting Championships. This incredible opportunity also means that she is now an official member of the Norwegian national weightlifting team.

Empowering others

Hanna is also driven by the desire to inspire others and prove to both young girls and boys that they can achieve their dreams if they truly want to. She is passionate about showing that there is no difference between genders when it comes to strength and determination. What she has accomplished is not exclusive to her – it is attainable for anyone who is willing to put in the effort. She particularly wants to be a source of inspiration for Kurdish girls, letting them know that they are capable of achieving greatness. Her journey is a testament that gender does not define potential; it is about embracing her passion and pushing beyond perceived limitations. By sharing her story, she hopes to encourage other Kurdish girls to chase their aspirations fearlessly and break through any barriers that stand in their way.

“If I can do it, you can too!” Hanna said.


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