Kurds Gather in Lausanne to Commemorate the 100th Anniversary of the Treaty of Lausanne

On May 27, the Kurdistani Diaspora Confederation (KDC) organized a significant two-day conference in Lausanne, Switzerland, to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Treaty of

Kurds Gather in Lausanne to Commemorate the 100th Anniversary of the Treaty of Lausanne
June 29, 2023

On May 27, the Kurdistani Diaspora Confederation (KDC) organized a significant two-day conference in Lausanne, Switzerland, to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Treaty of Lausanne. The event brought together Kurdish organizations and representatives from various parts of Kurdistan, with a powerful speech delivered on behalf of President Masoud Barzani. 

Barzani's speech highlighted the struggles and aspirations of the Kurdish people over the past century and eloquently underscored the enduring impact of the Treaty of Lausanne on the Kurdish people in the Middle East. He emphasized the tragic consequences of the treaty, which resulted in the denial of Kurdish self-determination and the division of Kurdish territory among Iran, Iraq, Syria, and Turkey. This division subjected the Kurdish people to oppression, marginalization, and displacement.

The presence of the mayor of Lausanne added significance to the conference as Barzani warmly welcomed the guests. During his address, he underscored the original intent of the Treaty of Lausanne, which was to “foster peace” a century ago. Regrettably, the reality unfolded quite differently, as the aftermath of the treaty brought devastating consequences for the Kurds, the Armenians, and the overall peace efforts in the Middle East

The conference also addressed the cultural repercussions of the treaty, as the fragmentation of Kurdish territory led to the separation of Kurdish communities and the assimilation of their culture into different countries. Despite these challenges, Barzani highlighted the indomitable spirit of the Kurdish people and their ongoing struggle for recognition.

Barzani concluded by calling for a re-evaluation of the strategies and programs of the four regional states in which the Kurds reside and of Kurdish political parties, emphasizing the need for democratic and peaceful solutions. He advocated for collaboration between regional states, influential powers, and international actors and for the reliance on institutions to establish a framework that recognizes Kurdish rights and fosters support. Barzani also acknowledged the vital role of the Kurdish diaspora in advocating for the Kurdish cause and alleviating historical oppression.

The conference concluded with a set of recommendations, reflecting the aspirations and objectives of the Kurdish diaspora and the broader Kurdish community. These recommendations include recognizing the unique issues faced by each part of Kurdistan, preserving the legal and constitutional status of the Iraqi Kurdistan Region as an example of stability, and prioritizing Kurdish unity and solidarity to counter historical oppression and achieve progress.

Overall, the conference served as a platform for reflection and analysis, and for formulating recommendations to address the ongoing challenges faced by the Kurdish people. It emphasized the resilience and determination of the Kurdish people and called for unity, international support, and peaceful dialogue to create a brighter future for the Kurdish people and the region.

Mewan Dolamari is a journalist and holds an MA in International Studies from the University of Kurdistan-Hewler (UKH). 

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