Jamana: A Young Designer’s Aspiration

Huda Hassan, a 26-year-old Kurdistani girl from Erbil, is the designer of a modern Kurdish clothing brand of her own creation called Jamana, or Jamadani. Having launched the bra

Jamana: A Young Designer’s Aspiration
February 24, 2025

Huda Hassan, a 26-year-old Kurdistani girl from Erbil, is the designer of a modern Kurdish clothing brand of her own creation called Jamana, or Jamadani.

Having launched the brand four years ago, Hassan’s designs rely on the texture of the fabrics she uses and are inspired by Kurdistan’s iconic nature.

When Hassan, then a second-year student at University of Kurdistan Hewler, participated in a design campaign held to encourage young people during the Covid-19 pandemic, she knew she was ready to immediately get to work. Hence, the pandemic-triggered lockdown became an unexpected opportunity for her to make plans to launch her brand.

During her undergraduate studies, Hassan also observed many foreigners in the Kurdistan Region and began to think deeply about what they might want to buy as a souvenir to remind them of their time in the region. It was then that the idea of creating a clothing brand was born, and she began to create a brand that is Kurdish in taste, exquisite, modern, and stylish.

When she first sat down to design a new piece of clothing, Hassan was inspired by elements of Kurdish culture. Later, she began to think about the person wearing it, whether in a classic or modern way. Hassan wanted her design to stand out and catch the attention of passersby or strangers at gatherings and parties. She intended to make sure her invention showcased Kurdish culture in a unique and positive way. “Traditional Kurdish clothes for girls and boys are not easy to wear on every occasion,” she explained. Thus, she tried to design several pieces of clothing that were both easy and pleasant to wear.


She then began sewing several colorful Kurdish pieces. Although she admits that she did not quite like her first attempts, she was keen to finish the job anyway. The first collection, Akhabanu, consisted of several pieces, including wraps and scarves. Then came phase two, the time for the models and photographers to come and present this new brand to the world.

Ultimately, she was pleased with Akhabanu, the name of which expresses the support of Kurdish men for Kurdish women, a compliment often given to women.

As Hassan was designing her first clothing items during the pandemic, the idea of designing a mask was timely. The resulting design became part of the Akhabanu collection, and became a huge success, with Hassan selling thousands of them to those eager to look more fashionable during the pandemic.

People not only bought the mask, but some brands also started copying it. The Akhabanu masks were sold in the market, and many diplomats and representatives of foreign countries showed interest in them, buying at least one. Hassan was upset to see her design copied, but she also acknowledges that copying meant that her brand had been successful.

Jola and Zhala

Supported by her friends, Hassan continued to design more and make new pieces of clothing. She produced several other collections, including Jola, which had a different style because it was made upon the direct request of buyers. The collection included a vest covered in a blend of local wool and with the name of the collection written in Kurdish on the inside.

Another collection of clothes, Zhala, stands out thanks to its purple color and cotton flowers. The fabric for Zhala is generally used across the Middle East, but the Kurds use a specific kind. "One day I was walking in nature with friends. I saw the cotton flower blooming. It was very attractive and full of hope. I immediately thought I should make a collection inspired by it," she said.

Over the past four years, Hassan has designed more than 17 collections, some of which have been in collaboration with buyers and other designers.

For Hassan and her network, it is all part of their plan to stand behind their astonishing and unique Kurdish clothing designs. They plan to expand on their ideas, designs, and production in the future. Ultimately, Hassan hopes that her designs reach the international level and place Kurdish clothes and designs deservedly on the world stage.

Riband Saadallah is a professional photographer and seasoned journalist. He is a member of the Union of Journalists in Finland. 

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