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Kurdistan Campaign Should Be Free of Violence: UNAMI

The UN Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI) in a statement on Wednesday, September 25, welcomed the commencement of the campaign period for the upcoming Kurdistan Region parliamentary elections scheduled for October 20, 2024, as announced by the Independent High Electoral Commission (IHEC).

“UNAMI underscores the importance of ensuring a campaign environment free of violence and intimidation, with participants focusing on the peaceful competition of visions and programs, to enable voters to make informed decisions at the ballot box,” UNAMI said.

Moreover, UNAMI said it looks to all candidates, other political actors, and the media to foster a climate of respect, inclusivity, and open dialogue throughout the campaign.

“It is crucial for the credibility of these elections to establish a safe and welcoming environment for all candidates and voters, particularly women, who often face distinct challenges during electoral processes.”

Read More: KRG to Ensure Safe Environment for Female Participation in Upcoming Election

The Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) announced in March that it aims to create an enabling environment for women and girls to maximize their participation.

For this reason, the KRG has set up a committee chaired by the High Council for Women and Development to support and protect women during the election campaign.

UNAMI also underlined that it will continue to support a fair and transparent electoral process that will reflect the aspirations of all people in the Kurdistan Region. “Any disputes relating to the elections should be addressed through the available mechanisms including those established by IHEC,” UNAMI said.

Read More: KRG Prime Minister Discusses Upcoming Elections With UN Official

On August 21, KRG Prime Minister Masrour Barzani discussed the upcoming Kurdistan Parliamentary elections with UN Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Political Affairs and Electoral Assistance Claudio Cordone, and underlined the importance of holding the elections in a free, fair, and transparent manner, free from manipulation and fraud.

Read More: UNAMI to Support Kurdistan Parliamentary Elections

The UN Security Council on May 31, 2024, decided to extend the mandate of UNAMI and underlined that UNAMI should provide support to the Kurdistan Region’s parliamentary elections.

This includes regular technical reviews and detailed reporting on electoral preparations and processes, as part of the Secretary-General’s regular reporting cycles.