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Dutch Foreign Minister Upholds Accountability of ISIS Fighters

The Dutch Minister of Foreign Affairs Caspar Veldkamp on Saturday in a post on X underlined that ISIS fighters must be held accountable for their crimes against the Yezidi community after a conference was held in the Hague on ISIS crimes against Yezidis.

“This requires commitment, ongoing support and legal action. The Netherlands is therefore taking the initiative to establish an international IS tribunal,” he said in a post on X.

Read More: Netherlands to Set up International Anti-ISIS Tribunal

The new Dutch government in its formation agreement in May included an initiative to establish an international tribunal for prosecuting crimes, including genocide, committed by ISIS.

Moreover, the Dutch Foreign Minister said that there are still over 2,600 Yezidis that remain missing and unaccounted for after the Yezidi genocide carried out by ISIS in August 2014.

“To this day, the Yezidi people suffer from the horrific crimes committed by ISIS. The trauma and suffering of the Yezidis persist.”

At the conference “Yezidi Survivors: Pathways towards Justice and Resilience” at the Peace Palace in The Hague on Friday, he underlined that “ISIS fighters must be held accountable, and focus should be on the survivors, while we strive to achieve justice for the victims and survivors of the horrific crimes that were committed.”

“This requires more than words. It demands ongoing support, legal action, and commitment.”

“We are working with partners to ensure that ISIS fighters face the consequences of their actions, including those from our own continent and those born on Dutch soil,” he added.

“The Netherlands has led EU efforts to impose sanctions in the context of violence against women, especially in conflict situations. Another initiative we are working on – together with partners – is the establishment of an international tribunal. This path is fraught with political and legal hurdles and I do not want to raise expectations too high, but that’s no excuse for not seeking ways to make it work.”

Kurdistan Regional Government Coordinator for International Advocacy Dr. Dindar Zebari also participated in the conference in the Netherlands.

In the conference, he emphasized that the KRG “calls for the expedited creation of a comprehensive legal framework for prosecuting ISIS members on the basis of genocide, crimes against humanity, and war crimes, and addressing the needs of Yezidis, including those born to ISIS-affiliated parents.” 

Moreover, he called for intensified support for Yezidi survivors through expanded rescue operations, enhanced psychological support, and increased compensation efforts. 

Dr. Zebari also stated that recognition of the Yezidi Genocide by the international community is a vital step.