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Germany Army Trains Peshmerga to Combat Fake News

The Ministry of Peshmerga Affairs (MoPA) in a post on Facebook on Tuesday said that German military advisors had held a seminar with the MoPA General Directorate of Media and Awareness on how to evaluate and analyze propaganda and fake news.

The seminar began with the participation of the Director and Deputy Director of Media and Awareness and was attended by 10 officers and staff members from the Directorate.

A German military advisor specializing in media and awareness, led the seminar, initially focusing on misinformation, propaganda, and methods for analyzing and combating them.

In another section of the seminar, the advisor discussed defense and counter-propaganda strategies.

A key part of the seminar was a live exercise on the subject, in which a special form was prepared that included several questions on propaganda, allowing participants to share their opinions and insights.

At the end of the seminar, the officers and staff raised several questions and exchanged views on the issue of propaganda, which were answered by the media advisor, leading to a fruitful discussion.

Read More: Peshmerga Forces Strengthened with German Military Aid

Germany has been one of the main countries to support the peshmerga in the fight against ISIS by providing training and equipment, including anti-tank guided missile systems, since 2014.

The German Armed Forces on August 15 handed over 400 backpacks with high-quality medical materiel, six forklifts, and four lift trucks for material handling to the MoPA.

Read More: Peshmerga Forces Strengthened with German Military Aid

Furthermore, Germany has backed the peshmerga reform project, alongside the United States, Italy, the UK, and the Netherlands.