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Iraq Should Protect Diplomatic Facilities: U.S. Embassy

The spokesperson of the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad underlined on Friday that the Iraqi federal government must protect diplomatic and coalition bases, after the U.S. Diplomatic Services Compound in Baghdad was attacked on September 10.

“The Iraqi government has repeatedly committed to protecting diplomatic missions, as well as U.S. military personnel, who are present in the country at the government of Iraq’s invitation,” the U.S. Embassy’s spokesperson said in a statement. 

“We again call on the government of Iraq, as we have done on many occasions, to protect diplomatic and coalition partner personnel and facilities.” 

“Fortunately, there were no reported casualties,” he said of the September 10 attack. “Indications are the attack was initiated by Iran-aligned militia groups, which operate freely in Iraq.”

“We reiterate that we reserve the right to self-defense and to protect our personnel anywhere in the world.”

The Iraqi government wants soldiers from the U.S.-led military coalition against ISIS to withdraw from the country. However, Baghdad and Washington have not yet agreed on a troop reduction or withdrawal, despite several meetings.

Iran-aligned armed groups in the past have launched attacks on coalition bases, demanding the withdrawal of coalition soldiers.

Kurdish leaders have emphasized the importance of the troops remaining in the country.

Read More: Prime Minister Barzani Calls for Continued Support for Peshmerga

On September 11, Kurdistan Regional Government Prime Minister Masrour Barzani and Kurdistan Region President Nechirvan Barzani separately met with a UK military delegation to discuss the future of the coalition troop presence, emphasizing the need for continued support to Kurdish peshmerga forces.