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KMSF Conference: Advancing Kurdish Health and Success

The Kurdish Medical and Scientific Federation in the UK (KMSF-UK), in collaboration with the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) representation in the UK, held a conference in London on September 7, 2024, to promote health and success.

This conference promised to be an enriching experience, offering valuable insights and networking opportunities. Leading experts in health and success strategies shared their knowledge and experiences, providing attendees with tools to enhance both personal and professional growth, as noted by Dr. Hiro Khoshnaw, Chair of the KMSF Board, in an interview with Kurdistan Chronicle.

After welcoming the participants, Dr. Khoshnaw provided a brief history of the KMSF organization, which was established in 1988 and has continuously supported higher education institutions in Kurdistan while playing an important role in promoting Kurdish human rights. Most of this support and activity has been facilitated through established organizations or committees, namely the Kurdish Scientific and Medical Association, the Support Committee for Higher Education in Kurdistan Region-UK, the Kurdish Academic Network, and the Kurdistan Medical Association.

Organized by Tara Tofec, the conference was divided into multiple sessions, with “Overcoming Barriers to Success: Challenges and Solutions” as the opening session. Dr. Vina Soran was one of the speakers at this session and shared her insights with Kurdistan Chronicle about the role of family and her surroundings in her journey to success. Additionally, Niga Nawroly chaired the session and highlighted the importance of these platforms in attracting the younger generation and supporting them, which is vital for the future of the Kurdish community in the UK. She also emphasized the necessity of showcasing the professional and scientific contributions of Kurds to counteract the negative portrayals that are occasionally presented by the media.

 Karwan Jamal Tahir, the KRG’s High Representative to the UK, delivered a brief speech about the KRG’s role in collaborating with Kurdish communities and promoting Kurdish talent in the UK. Tahir mentioned to Kurdistan Chronicle that the UK now has a strong relationship with the KRG, indicating a shift from the past where they primarily listened to the federal government in Iraq; they now pay attention to developments between Erbil and Baghdad.

Another session related to health and well-being featured Kurdish experts discussing various topics, including common urological problems presented by Dr. Hama Attar, skin protection by Dr. Rangeen Ibrahim, diabetes management by Dr. Shang Shaho. These expert speakers provided valuable insights and networking opportunities for the participants. 

Finally, KMSF and KRG representatives presented awards to several top Kurdish doctors who have dedicated their lives to providing support and networking for Kurdish doctors, healthcare professionals, and scientists in the UK. They also promote Kurdish culture and lobby for Kurdish interests in the UK, while advancing scientific and educational goals for the Kurdistan Region through active collaboration between experienced members of the federation and relevant institutions in Kurdistan.