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KRG Prime Minister Expresses Gratitude for U.S. Support

In a meeting on August 22 with Major General Kevin C. Leahy, the newly appointed commander of the U.S.-led Coalition against ISIS in Iraq and Syria, Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) Prime Minister Barzani expressed the KRG’s gratitude to the United States and the allied forces for their continued support.

According to a readout from the Prime Minister’s office, the meeting, which was also attended by U.S. Consul General in Erbil Steve Bitner, focused on the current situation in the Kurdistan Region, Iraq, and Syria, as well as the current combat efforts in countering ISIS.

Major General Leahy reportedly emphasized the significance of the partnership and the joint efforts between the Kurdistan Region and the United States.

The discussion also covered progress made in unifying the peshmerga forces and the ongoing reforms within the Ministry of Peshmerga Affairs (MoPA).

A non-binding memorandum of understanding (MoU) signed by the U.S. Department of Defense and the MoPA in 2022 committed to providing support to the peshmerga.

Peshmerga troops are split between political factions, with 70 units under the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan and 80 units under the Kurdistan Democratic Party. 

The goal of the peshmerga reform project – which is backed by several countries, including the U.S., the UK, Italy, Germany, and the Netherlands – is to unite these units as Regional Guard Brigades under the MoPA.

Read More: New Pentagon Budget Request Shows Increased Support for Peshmerga

The MoU will remain in effect until the end of September 2026, subject to the availability of funds. The MoPA aims to unite all partisan units under its command by 2026.

In a post on August 23, the U.S. Consulate General in Erbil said that Consul General Bitner and Major General Leahy met with several top Kurdish officials, and “reaffirmed our shared commitment to maintaining Iraq’s security, and underscore the importance of continuing peshmerga reform efforts.”

KRG Minister of Peshmerga Affairs Shorish Ismael also met with Major General Leahy on August 21.

The MoPA said in a post on X that the threat of terrorism in the region, the peshmerga reform process, and the support of the coalition were discussed during the meeting.