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New U.S. Consul General Meets with Kurdish Officials

On August 14, the newly arrived U.S. Consul General Steve Bitner met with Kurdistan Region President Nechirvan Barzani in Erbil.

“They agreed on the importance of holding fair, transparent elections on October 20. They also discussed regional developments and working together to advance our shared priorities,” the U.S. Consulate General in Erbil said in a post on X.

The Kurdistan Region Presidency said in a press release that President Barzani extended his best wishes for Bitner’s success and emphasized the “Kurdistan Region’s commitment to enhancing collaboration with the United States, reaffirming the strong partnership between the two sides.”

Bitner was previously the director of the Office of Iraq Affairs at the U.S. State Department’s Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs.

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He took part in a Global Kurdish Initiative for Peace event at American University on March 18, 2024, marking the 36th anniversary of the Halabja chemical attack.

Moreover, the U.S. Consulate General in Erbil in a post on X said that Bitner also paid a visit to Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) Department of Foreign Relations Head Safeen Dizayee. The two officials “discussed regional dynamics, mutual security, and how to expand the strong U.S.-KRG relationship.”

“I wished him success in his mission and assured him of the Department of Foreign Relations’ support for further strengthening the Kurdistan-U.S. partnership,” Dizayee wrote in a post on X.

“I also bid farewell to the departing Consul General, Mr. Mark Stroh, and commend his great contributions during his tenure.”

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The KRG Representation in the United States also met with the newly appointed U.S. Consul General in Washington, D.C., before he departed for Erbil. “We wish him luck in this important role and look forward to strengthening our partnership with the United States,” KRG Representation in the United States said in a post on X.

The United States maintains a strong partnership with the Kurdistan Region and has supported peshmerga reform and the fight against ISIS.

“Our support for a resilient KRG is integral to our 360-degree approach to Iraq,” U.S. Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken said during a meeting with KRG Prime Minister Masrour Barzani on February 26.