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Kurdish Culture Festival Held in Russia’s Omsk Region

The Ministry of Culture of the Omsk Region organized the first iteration of the Kurdish Cultural Days Festival from August 2-16 in the “Russia: My History” park in Omsk, Russia.

The event is funded by a municipal grant provided by the Omsk city administration and organized by the local Kurdish National Cultural Autonomy in Omsk.

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Kurdish National Cultural Autonomy President Musa Nawrozovich told Kurdistan Chronicle that they will showcase the culture, history, and heritage of the Kurdish nation to festival visitors through paintings, photos, and videos. 

Additionally, the residents and guests of Omsk will be introduced to the Kurdish wedding process, traditional clothing, musical instruments, and cuisine.

Different parts of the festival are dedicated to displaying the history of Kurdish coexistence around the world; the culture, customs, and traditions of the Kurds; the history of Kurds in Russia and the Omsk Region; prominent Kurds in Russia and globally; and the role of the Kurds in World War II and other conflicts.

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There are reportedly over 50,000 Kurds living in Russia.