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Russian Foreign Ministry Awards Kurdish Painter

On August 1, Russia’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs awarded the prize for a recent creative competition to Kurdish painter Norik Musoyan for the third year in a row in a ceremony in Moscow.

Musoyan was the only Kurdish painter and architect to participate in the Open All-Russian Creative Competition “Architecture of Diplomacy”, submitting three paintings

Russia’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs organizes the competition for painters and architects aged 18-35 every year to strengthen students’ architectural skills. 

Foreign Ministry Representative Vyacheslav Fatin presented the award to Musoyan at a ceremony on August 1. Unlike previous occasions, this time Musoyan participated in the ceremony wearing traditional Kurdish clothes.

This year’s competition was held under the slogan “Maps and Colors of National Culture”, with painters and architects from 20 regions of Russia.

Norik Musoyan lives in Moscow. He is currently a fifth-year student at the College of Architecture in Moscow.