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Majority of Refugees Reside in Kurdistan Region: UNHCR

On July 16, the UNHCR underlined that the majority of refugees in Iraq are Syrians residing in the Kurdistan Region.

“Most already have access to quality education and public health services, and also have opportunities to develop their livelihoods, mainly in the informal sector,” the UNHCR said in a press release.

Read More: KRG Offers Protection For Refugees

The UN refugee agency also noted that about 32% reside in nine refugee camps in the Kurdistan Region.

“Refugees have limited prospects to return to their country given the ongoing insecurity and human rights and humanitarian law violations and abuse, and thus require continued support to become self-reliant and active members of their communities,” the UNHCR said.

Moreover, it said that some 150,000 of the over one million internally displaced persons (IDPs) in Iraq live in 21 IDP camps in the Kurdistan Region.

The Iraqi federal government had previously issued a deadline to close all IDP camps in Iraq by July 30, but Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) officials have underlined that the KRG only supports voluntary returns.

“KRG is supporting the voluntary, safe and dignified return for the IDPs. No one has right to push people to return while their place of origin is still suffering from lack of rebuilding and security,” Secretary-General of Kurdistan’s High Council for Women and Development Khanzad Ahmed said in a post on X on July 9.

KRG Minister of Interior Rebar Ahmed Khalid on July 8 told reporters in a press conference that the Iraqi federal government has responded to the demands of the KRG and IDPs by creating a task force charged with overseeing the IDP camps in the country.

The task force will be tasked with finding a solution to the continued displacement of Iraqis in camps. The new task force will include representatives from the Iraqi federal government, the KRG, and UN agencies.

The UN refugee agency also stated that they “will continue to work with the authorities to find dignified and sustainable solutions, including safe and voluntary return to areas of origin, relocation to other areas within the country, and local inclusion.”

The UNHCR also welcomed the recent donation of $1 million from Switzerland’s government to support IDPs in Iraq.

“Switzerland is dedicated to safeguarding human rights and supporting conflict-affected communities in Iraq. Through our partnership with UNHCR, we strive to empower refugees and achieve sustainable solutions for displaced populations,” said Switzerland’s Ambassador to Jordan and Iraq Emilija Georgieva.