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Film on Yezidis to Go on the Screen in Washington

The film Mediha, which tells the story of a teenage Yezidi girl freed from ISIS captivity, will be showing on June 15 at Landmark E Street Cinema in Washington, D.C., as part of the DC/DOX Film Festival. 

The screening will include a discussion with film director Hasan Oswald and Mediha Ibrahim Alhamad, on whom the film focuses.

The film tells the story of the Yezidi genocide and its aftermath, shown through the lens of one young survivor as she confronts her past through personal video-diaries, reclaiming her voice and stepping bravely toward the future.

The film comes ahead of the 10th anniversary of the Yezidi genocide carried out by ISIS, during which at least 5,000 Yazidi men were killed and about 7,000 Yazidi women and girls were kidnapped.

"I am thrilled to present our film at DC/DOX, especially with Mediha by my side,” Oswald told Kurdistan Chronicle

“Her journey from Kurdistan to the international stage exemplifies the resilience and strength of the Yezidi community. This screening is not just a showcase of our work, but a platform to amplify the voices of those still affected by the ISIS atrocities."