University of Duhok and IWP Launch Joint Certificate in Diplomacy

On June 4, the University of Duhok (UoD) and the U.S.-based Institute of World Politics (IWP) signed a contract at a ceremony in Washington, D.C., to establish a joint certificat

University of Duhok and IWP Launch Joint Certificate in Diplomacy

On June 4, the University of Duhok (UoD) and the U.S.-based Institute of World Politics (IWP) signed a contract at a ceremony in Washington, D.C., to establish a joint certificate program in diplomacy following a memorandum of understanding signed last year formalizing their collaboration.

“This partnership will involve the establishment of a one-year study program at the College of Political Science at UoD, offering students the opportunity to attend up to a semester at IWP or participate in online classes offered by IWP,” UoD President Dawood Atrushi told Kurdistan Chronicle.

“This agreement marks a significant milestone for UoD and the IWP with the creation of a joint certificate program in diplomacy. This collaboration fosters international understanding and cooperation.” 

He added that this partnership “empowers students with essential diplomatic skills. Combining the strengths of UoD and the IWP, the program offers unparalleled education, distinguished faculty, and diverse perspectives.”

Moreover, President Atrushi said the program offers the opportunity for students to study in the United States, immersing themselves in a different cultural and political environment. “This experience will broaden their horizons and benefit the Kurdistan Region.”

“Amid global challenges, skilled diplomats are crucial. This program equips students to address conflicts, humanitarian crises, climate change, and public health issues. It enhances Kurdish diplomatic capabilities and supports peace and stability,” he added. 

President Atrushi underlined that the partnership strengthens bonds between the Kurdistan Region and the United States, reflecting shared values and aspirations. 

“This agreement is not just an agreement on paper; it is a visionary step to empower and offer students a unique educational experience in the field of diplomacy by combining the strengths of both institutions.” 

President Atrushi said that program participants will develop a deep understanding of domestic and international diplomacy, and get invaluable insights and skills that they can bring back to benefit the Kurdistan Region. 

“This program represents a significant opportunity to enhance our diplomatic capabilities, ensuring that our voices are heard and our perspectives are considered on the global stage. We aim to build a cadre of skilled diplomats who can advocate for our cause and foster international partnerships.”

Speaking at the signing ceremony on June 4, Kurdistan Regional Government Representative to the United States Treefa Aziz noted that “students from UoD will now have the opportunity to broaden their academic training and deepen their understanding of diplomacy. Whether attending a semester at IWP here in the U.S. capital or engaging in online classes, our students will benefit from a diverse and enriching curriculum that integrates theory with practice, and local insights with global perspectives.

“This joint degree program is designed to cultivate diplomats who are not only skilled in policy and negotiation, but also possess an appreciation for cultural diversity and international cooperation. It reflects our shared vision of an interconnected world where dialogue and diplomacy pave the way for peace and progress,” she said.

She called on the future students of this program to “embrace this opportunity with passion and determination. You are the ambassadors of tomorrow, and the world awaits your leadership.”

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