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KRG Expresses Gratitude for Italy’s Support of Kurdistan Region

A Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) delegation headed by Safeen Dizayee, Head of the KRG Department of Foreign Relations, arrived in Rome, Italy, on March 28 for an official visit.

So far, the KRG delegation has met with several top Italian officials, including Italian Minister of the Environment and Energy Security Gilberto Pichetto Fratin.

“I had in-depth discussions on the current state of oil and energy in KRI (Kurdistan Region of Iraq), KRG’s dialogue with Baghdad, as well as the importance of resuming oil exports and ensuring a clean and sustainable environment,” Dizayee said about the meeting in a post on X.

In another post on X Dizayee said he had spoken with Italian Minister of Defence Guido Crosetto about recent political developments, Erbil-Baghdad issues, and the “pivotal role of coalition forces in KRI and Iraq.”

“I expressed gratitude for Italy’s support to the people and Government of KRI,” he added.

He also met with Italian Deputy Foreign Minister Edmondo Cirielli to discuss regional political dynamics, and thanked Italy for their support and collaboration with the KRG in “our reform and development efforts.”

Furthermore, the KRG delegation visited the Italian Senate and met with President of the Foreign Affairs and Defense Commission Stefania Craxi and other members of the committee.

“I delivered an expose on unfolding regional challenges and expressed gratitude for their support for the people and government of KRI,” Dizayee wrote on X.

Read More: KRG Delegation Expresses Gratitude for France’s Support

The visit to Italy came after the KRG delegation visited France.

Italy and the Kurdistan Region developed strong relations after the liberation of Iraq in 2003.

Italy provided military support and training to the peshmerga forces during the fight against ISIS and has a consulate in Erbil.

On March 19, 2024, KRG Prime Minister Masrour Barzani met with Ambassador of Italy to Iraq Maurizio Greganti to discuss bilateral relations.

During the meeting, Ambassador Greganti reaffirmed Italy’s steadfast support for the security and stability of the Kurdistan Region.