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Kurdish Leaders Underline Importance of Iraqi-Kurdish Autonomy Agreement

On the 54th anniversary of the Iraqi-Kurdish Autonomy Agreement of 1970, Kurdish leaders on Monday emphasized the significance of the Agreement in their statements, reaffirming the importance of Kurdish people’s struggle for their cause amidst ongoing disputes between Baghdad and Erbil.

The Agreement, signed on March 11, 1970, marked a pivotal moment in Kurdish history, ending 11 years of intense conflict between Kurdish forces, led by Mullah Mustafa Barzani, and the Iraqi regime. Signed by Saddam Hussein – then second-in-command to Iraqi President Ahmed Hassan al-Bakr – and Kurdish leader Mullah Mustafa Barzani, the deal granted the Kurdish people political autonomy and representation within the Iraqi government.

“The Agreement was a significant milestone and the first official document in modern history to recognize the rights of the people of Kurdistan,” Kurdistan Region President Nechirvan Barzani said in a statement on March 11.

However, the Iraqi government soon reneged on its promise, and the agreement was never implemented.

“Even though it was never implemented – and it’s not clear if Baghdad ever had any intention of really implementing it – the 1970 accord was significant as a recognition of Kurdish aspirations for autonomy and what it would take to reconcile Kurdistan with Iraq,” David Romano, Thomas G. Strong Professor of Middle East Politics at Missouri State University, told Kurdistan Chronicle.

“The 11 March Agreement was the product of the September Revolution led by the late (Mustafa) Barzani and the struggle and sacrifices of the Peshmerga and all sections of Kurdistan against the oppression of the Iraqi authorities,” Kurdistan Democratic Party President Masoud Barzani said in a statement on March 11. 

“It was the product of the solid struggle in order to restore rights, ensure democracy, partnership and coexistence. The Agreement forced the then Iraqi government to recognize some of the rights of our people.”

“We emphasize the message of peace and coexistence of the Kurdish people and we reiterate that the Kurdish people have made countless sacrifices to achieve their rights and will continue their struggle through consolidating their legitimate cause,” he added.

Furthermore, in a post on X Kurdistan Regional Government Prime Minister Masrour Barzani, said that the March Agreement 54 years ago “is a powerful reminder of our gains and the price it has cost to secure them.”

“We cannot be complacent now; we must continue to protect the hard-fought freedoms and rights of the people of the Kurdistan Region.”