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In this article, Bayan Salman delves into the captivating world of Hama Hashim's art. Hashim challenges perceptions with abstract forms and a vibrant color palette, conveying emotions beyond words. The artist's unique techniques, including the recurring use of blue, create immersive narratives. Salman explores Hashim's innovative approach to coloring pieces, breaking barriers in contemporary art


When one gazes upon the artworks of Hama Hashim, a profound descent into contemplation ensues. Hashim skillfully amalgamates colors into abstract forms, seemingly immersing himself within his creations. The artist’s intention is clear: to challenge our perceptions and cultivate a fresh understanding of his works. Hama Hashim invites his audience to read the language of colors rather than that of words, marking a masterful innovation.

Transcending personal experiences, Hama Hashim communicates his perception through painting, revealing moments of joy and sorrow. Abbas Abdullah Yousif, a renowned Kurdish writer and thinker, reflects on Hama Hashim’s art, stating that he leads us into a symphony of colors, revealing himself within us and us within him. Bright, full, and fresh colors convey various emotions, merging hope, sorrow, and life in a vibrant universe. Hama Hashim folds this universe himself, allowing us to enter his world unhindered by frames or canvas material. Even dark colors are presented in a joyous manner, prompting gratitude towards Hashim for imparting happiness through his creations.

While all colors blend harmoniously, blue emerges as a common hue in many of Hama Hashim’s works. Sun in Yellow and a depiction of a blue raindrop showcase his diverse artistic expressions. Some paintings feature a simple approach with two forms separated by distinct colors, creating an atmosphere of being in limbo. The artist’s manipulation of colors captivates viewers, drawing them into his immersive artistic realm.

Among his works, some exhibit multiple planes, while others focus on a single movement and plane. Paintings with multiple movements evoke a sense of being carried away by a strong wind, uncertain of the landing destination. Human faces, though abstracted, play crucial roles in the chaotic scenes, urging viewers to sit, observe, and comprehend. In pieces where two figures embrace, Hama Hashim delves into the psychology of their interaction, creating a complex narrative akin to the story of Adam and Eve.

A notable piece, Single, is enveloped in red, featuring the head of a woman between two white walls, symbolizing the struggles of women in society.

Hama Hashim employs measured techniques and occasional spontaneous brushstrokes to bring scenes to life, emphasizing the significance of colors and lines. By utilizing every tool at his disposal, including unique colors, he seeks to balance ideas and narratives, creating a modern and unique essence to his artworks.

In defining his work as “coloring” pieces, Hama Hashim expresses his ideas through the language of colors, a challenging endeavor in the realm of artistic techniques. Hama Hashim’s intention is clear: to use distinctive colors to convey his understanding while introducing a novel approach to coloring his paintings. Ultimately, Hama Hashim’s works pave the way for new beginnings, breaking barriers, and uncovering a new reality – an intention that resonates throughout his artistic journey.

Bayan Salman is a Kurdish literary writer works in Kurdish, Arabic, and French. Her contributions to literature include 10 novels and two poetry collections, highlighting her versatile multilingual storytelling.