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ICAE Condemns Iranian Attack on Erbil

The Iraqi Christians Advocacy and Empowerment Institute (ICAE) has condemned last Monday’s Iranian missile attack on Erbil, where several civilians were killed and injured.

In a statement, the ICAE expressed solidarity with the people and government of the Kurdistan Region, promising its 'relentless advocacy in Washington, D.C., to ensure the sovereignty of Iraq and Kurdistan.'

The ICAE institute is recognized as a longstanding friend of the Iraqi Chaldean-American community.

On January 15, at around 11:30 local time, ten ballistic missiles were fired at various locations in Erbil, including the private residence of a prominent Kurdish businessman located just outside the city.

The Kurdistan Region Security Council (KRSC) confirmed in a statement following the attack that Peshraw Dizayee, the owner of Falcon Group, which oversees major projects such as Empire World, was among those killed at his home.

Subsequent reports from officials in Erbil verified that four people were injured, with six others sustaining wounds, some in critical condition. The casualties included an 11-month-old daughter of Dizayee, a maid, and Karam Mikhail, a businessman and owner of Rayyan al-Iraq Group, who was attending a social gathering at Dizayee’s residence.

Over 72 hours after the attack, a 41-year-old maid from the Dizayee household, originally a Filipino national, remains missing despite extensive search operations at the site.

Following the attack, the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) of Iran promptly claimed responsibility, stating in an official announcement that they had launched a series of ballistic missiles targeting what they referred to as the "spy headquarters" of the Israeli Mossad.

Media affiliated with Iran reported that Peshraw Dizayee was alleged to have connections with Mossad, and it was claimed that he played a role in providing logistical support for Israeli espionage operations against Iran. However, these allegations were made without any substantiating evidence.