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Rugby in Kurdistan: A Sporting Phenomenon on the Rise

Rugby, a sport renowned for its intensity, physicality, and camaraderie, is rapidly gaining popularity worldwide. While traditionally associated with countries like England, New Zealand, and South Africa, rugby has found an unexpected home in the Kurdistan Region, where it has attracted a remarkable surge in interest and participation and a growing number of enthusiasts embracing the sport with passion and determination.

The Growth of Rugby in the Kurdistan Region

The rise of rugby in the Kurdistan Region can be attributed to several factors, including the region's strong sporting culture, its thirst for new athletic challenges, and the introduction of the sport by dedicated individuals.

One pivotal influence in the region's rugby growth has been the Kurdistan Rugby Team, which was established in 2013 and has played a crucial role in promoting the sport, providing training opportunities, and organizing tournaments. Actively collaborating with international rugby bodies, the Kurdistan Rugby Team have fostered connections that enable Kurdish players to participate in regional and international competitions.

Foreign coaches and players have also significantly contributed to the growth of rugby in the region. These individuals have volunteered their time and expertise, not only sharing their knowledge but also helping establish rugby clubs, organize training sessions, and support the development of young Kurdish players.

Positive Impact on the Community

The increasing popularity of rugby in the Kurdistan Region has had a positive impact on the local community in numerous ways. Firstly, it has created a platform for cultural exchange and understanding. Rugby, renowned for its inclusivity and respect for diverse backgrounds, has brought together people from different ethnicities, religions, and social backgrounds. This shared passion for the sport has fostered a sense of unity and strengthened community bonds.

Moreover, rugby has provided Kurdish youth with an avenue to engage in physical activity and adopt a healthier lifestyle. The sport promotes teamwork, discipline, and perseverance, imparting valuable life skills that extend beyond the field. Rugby's emphasis on fair play and respect has also contributed to the development of moral values among its players, shaping them into responsible and well-rounded individuals.


The Kurdistan Rugby team showcased their skills and determination by participating in the Dubai 7s International Social Tournament in 2015, 2016, and 2018. Their involvement in these prestigious events highlighted their growing presence in the international rugby scene.

Moreover, they made history by arranging and participating in the first-ever rugby match in Kurdistan and Iraq on April 20, 2019. The match was a remarkable moment for Kurdish rugby, as they faced off against the Iraqi Rugby Association. The Kurdistan Rugby team delivered an outstanding performance, securing a convincing victory with a score of 25-5. This triumph marked a significant milestone for rugby development in the region and showcased the team's talent and dedication.

The Future of Rugby in the Kurdistan Region

With the growing enthusiasm and commitment to rugby in the Kurdistan Region, the future of the sport looks promising. Increased participation at the grassroots level and the continuous support from the Kurdistan Rugby Team indicate a strong foundation for sustained growth.

To ensure the sport's development, it is crucial to provide adequate resources and infrastructure. Continued collaboration with international rugby bodies can offer valuable guidance, training programs, and access to competitions, enabling Kurdish players to showcase their skills on a global stage.

Promoting rugby within schools and educational institutions is also essential. It introduces the sport to a wider audience and creates a sustainable pathway for young athletes to pursue their passion. Encouraging the involvement of girls and women in rugby is equally important to ensure inclusivity and gender equality within the sport.

The rise of rugby in the Kurdistan Region highlights the power of sport in bringing people together, fostering community spirit, and empowering individuals. The unique blend of physicality, strategy, and teamwork that rugby offers has captured the hearts of Kurdish athletes and fans alike.

As rugby continues to gain momentum in the region, it has the potential to become a significant cultural and sporting phenomenon. By nurturing its growth, providing opportunities for participation, and embracing the sport’s values, the Kurdistan Region is poised to make a lasting impact on the global rugby community while reaping the benefits of this remarkable sport at home.

Ayar Rasool is an acclaimed producer of short films and documentaries, who has been in collaboration with media agencies such as AppleTV, Netflix, and HBO. His projects have garnered critical acclaim, marked by numerous Emmy and BAFTA nominations, as well as a local distinctions.