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Kurdish Female Bodybuilder Shatters Gender Barriers

Shylan Kamal, an Iraqi Kurd, defies stereotypes and challenges gender labels through her remarkable journey as a bodybuilder. 

As a young girl, she would assist her mother in kneading bread, gradually realizing the transformative power it had on her muscles, a discovery that she found intriguing at the time. Now a 46-year-old mother herself, Kamal views her passion for bodybuilding as a crucial step towards achieving gender equality in Iraq's autonomous Kurdistan region.

Embracing her belief that muscles can enhance women's beauty, Kamal dedicates four hours every day to intense training at a gym in Erbil. During an interview with Kurdistan Chronicle, she confidently claimed, “Bodybuilding allows us to manifest our beauty through physical development.” 

"Why can't women be both beautiful and strong at the same time?"

Returning to Kurdistan from Germany three years ago, Kamal encountered a conservative and patriarchal society that raised eyebrows at her commitment to bodybuilding. However, undeterred by societal opinions, she asserted her autonomy, disregarding the traditional standards of beauty imposed on women.

Unfazed by criticism, Kamal proclaims, “I don't care at all what people say; I have my own opinions.” Rejecting the notion of women as inferior or mere objects of desire, she challenges the status quo and questions, “Why can't women be both beautiful and strong at the same time?”

Kamal's journey in bodybuilding commenced at the age of 22. On Instagram, she fearlessly showcases her muscular physique and poses in bikinis, capturing her participation in bodybuilding competitions throughout Europe. Sometimes, she proudly waves the flag of Iraqi Kurdistan, signifying her unwavering pride in her homeland.

Her training routine includes a warm-up followed by a combination of weight machines, dumbbell exercises, and push-ups. With her powerful shoulders adorned by cascading hair, she exemplifies strength and determination. 

Recently, Kamal participated in three competitions across Britain and Germany, consistently securing third place. One such notable event was the FIBO Global Fitness show in Cologne in mid-April.

Promoting gender equality

Kamal laments the prevalent prejudice in her homeland, where people are unaccustomed to witnessing women flaunting their muscles in bathing suits. She also encounters surprise from individuals abroad when they discover her Iraqi origins.

Originally hailing from Sulaymaniyah, the second-largest city in Iraqi Kurdistan, Kamal emigrated to Germany at the age of 14, accompanied by her uncle. Two years later, she got married, and now has three children in their twenties. While in Germany, Kamal pursued higher education and established a career as a photographer, working in a studio in Duesseldorf.

Kamal expresses gratitude for the unwavering support she has received from her family throughout her journey. Reflecting on her childhood, she states, “Since I was a kid, I've been full of energy, and always need an outlet for that energy.” She first found solace and happiness in the discovery of her developing muscles while assisting her mother in kneading dough to make bread.

Acceptance of women's sports in Iraqi society has been growing. In recent years, more women have started participating in football, boxing, kickboxing, and weightlifting. The stability experienced in the Kurdistan Region, with hardly any conflict compared to other regions of Iraq since the 2003 U.S.-led invasion, has facilitated the development of sports infrastructure.

Ranjbar Ali, who trains alongside Kamal at the same gym, expresses his elation at witnessing women like Kamal dismantle barriers and overcome preconceived notions to attain excellence on a global scale. With his muscles bulging beneath a black singlet, Ali wholeheartedly supports Kamal's endeavors in promoting gender equality in bodybuilding.