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Kurdistan Region President Visits Earthquake-Hit Turkey

ERBIL (Kurdistan Chronicle) — On Tuesday, Kurdistan Region President Nechirvan Barzani traveled through the earthquake-stricken areas in the south of Turkey to show solidarity with the affected people and see first-hand the rescue operations led by the Kurdish crews.

Barzani was welcomed by the Bursa governor and other Turkish officials who accompanied him to the headquarters of the Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency (AFAD) to be briefed about the rescue operations and humanitarian response to the disaster.

At a press conference during his tour, President Nechirvan Barzani pointed out that the people of Kurdistan stand by Turkey during this difficult time to reciprocate the Turkish people’s support for Kurdistan whenever it has faced hardship.

“Every family in the Kurdistan Region mourns the tragedy,” Barzani said, noting that the government has canceled every public and social event to honor the lives who are lost in the earthquake.

The Kurdistan Region was among the first countries to respond to the disastrous impacts of last week’s 7.8 magnitude earthquake by sending hundreds of aid workers and tons of humanitarian shipments.

While in the region, Barzani also visited the first responders from Kurdistan and praised their role. He thanked the government of the Kurdistan Region for organizing donation campaigns, thanked the people of Kurdistan for contributing generously, and the Barzani Charity Foundation for tirelessly working to deliver assistance.

Following his visit to the quake-hit areas, Barzani was received by his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan in Ankara to discuss the rescue operations and express solidarity.

“I visited areas devastated by the earthquake in Türkiye, and met with President Erdogan and displaced victims to express the solidarity of the Kurdistan Region with them during this difficult time,” President Nechirvan Barzani wrote on Twitter. “I also paid tribute to first responders from KR, who work tirelessly to save lives.”

According to the latest updates, over 31,000 people have lost their lives to the earthquake, more than 80,000 are wounded, and about 6,000 buildings have been completely destroyed.

The Turkish president said earlier this week that they are planning to begin the cleanup and reconstruction operation soon.

The impact of the earthquake is extremely massive. The United Nations believes people of the region would need assistance for the next few years.